Why do people elect the obviously unfit?

Less than a week to go now. I fear that Fox news and the US Republican party might finally succeed in their effort to make truth a question of faith and political debate strictly a competition of who can say the most outragous things with the loudest voice. In Trump they've now got what they've been asking for the last 30 years.

I fear the Americans are about to join the crowd of stupid voters in the world who elect crazy people to be their representatives.

If elected Trump will join the flock of political leaders like Park Geun-hye, Vladimir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte, Boris Johnson (yes I know, not a PM but he led the people astray with lies and crazy talk in the brexit process), Jacob Zuma and their like. The democratic world isn't free from crazy people with support in the public - even if they're obviously unfit for the position they've given. In the cave of the obvious crazy we can add a few religious deluted elected leaders. And of course we have plenty of dictators there aswell, but in their case the people they surpress usually are not to blame. 

Humanity ....


  1. People in Brazil just elected a horrible shit called Jair Bolsonaro - using, btw, the same strategies that exploit people's inner stupidity and having the help of that guy, Steve Bannon. I could add many opinions and impressions i got after read this (awesome) text. But for now i could just say as a brazilian: it's just.... easy to describe, fucking difficult to accept.

    Big hug. Nice to read things here after some time. I have been in Oslo recently and just remembered to come here take a look. You should write more.


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